Revenue Breakdown.

Revenue is defined as Total Gross Revenue.

Our initial membership fee is to be $7.99/month.

There is a processing cost of 2% plus 45¢ per transaction. This adds up to approximately 61¢ per transaction. We pay these transaction expenses out of our half of the revenue.

We take the total number of viewing minutes per Episode and then divide it by the total number of all views to get the revenue per minute for each month. We take the total number of paying members and arrive at the compensation for each minute of every episode.

We then take the number of views for each episode and arrive at the monthly revenue generated by each video. This gives us an honest breakdown of the amount of revenue available, and how it is allocated across each Episode.

Basically we take Gross Revenue, divide by 2 – and then allocate the Artist revenue across all views for each month. Vimeo gives us a breakdown of the number of minutes for each Episode in our archives. This is then divided by the total amount available each month, and then allocated to each video.

If everyone watches the same video, then that Episode will receive 100% of the available Artist revenue. If nobody watches an Episode, then that Episode will receive no revenue. The more popular an Episode is, the more it will earn. If the average viewing time of an Episode is 5 minutes, then that determines the revenue. If the average viewing time of an Episode is 30 minutes, then that Episode will earn 6 times more revenue than the 5 minute viewing time.

We encourage Artists to come back to contribute multiple Episodes whenever possible. Different lineups will also contribute to the revenue as fans enjoy watching different pairings of artists. We also use our Newsletter and multiple promotional outlets to inform the fans that there are new Episodes that come online all the time.

Each Artist should likewise promote any Episode in which they appear on their social media and personal websites. The more views – the more revenue.

We also cover the webserver fees, bandwidth fees, and website maintenance fees out of our half of the gross revenue. The Artist will always receive a full 50% of the Gross Revenue.