The Inside Deal

  • Our project Private Studio Sessions (PSS) is a one-of-a-kind membership site for delving into the exclusive world of studio and touring musicians for fans around the world.
  • It presents a truly unique opportunity for experienced studio cats of all dimensions to grow their influence, and also generate ongoing revenue that will benefit them well into the future. Our members receive content in two forms: Video Episodes, and Audio Podcasts.
  • While the typical multi-cam studio project would run somewhere between 4 and 5 figures for the equipment, venue, crew and post, we have developed a partnership approach that rewards the musicians for their participation in the project. You only need to make an appearance on an episode and you will be locked in to the revenue, marketing and promotion from that point on.
  • We shoot each episode with 8 HD cameras and we record all the audio on digital multi-track. We use professional 3-point lighting from our full-studio lighting grid for a very creative and musical look.
  • We feature only original music composed and owned by the Artist, or composed as a Contrafact, or a derivative of a composition now in the Public Domain. Our process is to bring in a group of musicians formed around a single Leader. This leader is the RMI (Responsible Managing Individual) that we deal with exclusively.
  • The Artist must be able to represent that they legally own/control the rights to the music they perform on any given Episode of PSS. The Artist should perform at least 40 minutes of qualifying music, and agree to appear in a brief interview segment.
  • An immediate benefit is the free promo clip we produce for the Artist right from the downbeat. Artists will receive a 2 – 3 minute promo of their Episode that is suitable for uploading to any social media platform or YouTube channel. This video will include excerpts from the Episode complete with an opening/closing sequence as well as any provided contact information. It is an excellent tool to provide to your fans to keep them informed as to your latest project.
  • There is no live audience, and no live streaming. Recording Sessions are conducted locally in Glendale, CA about 5 minutes from Disney in a small private studio. We can schedule the session any time convenient to all the players. This a private session so there is no conflict with any public performance or venue.
  • Revenue is calculated as a straight-up 50/50 split between PSS and the Artist. No record company accounting shenanigans here. Just a straight split. We provide all the equipment, the venue, the lighting, the crew, and all the post – including audio mixing, and video editing. We also provide the Membership infrastructure, streaming platform, bandwidth, transaction processing, website maintenance, etc.